
Are you new to Home care?

Are you new to Home care?

TLC Home Healthcare, Inc. understands the value of genuine support for someone who is going through health difficulties. A kind word or a simple smile can truly lighten up the mood of any patient who experiences chronic pain or discomfort.

However, more than these emotional and social benefits from home health care, it is specifically structured to promote faster recovery and reduce the risk of re-hospitalization. Choosing TLC as your provider puts you in the hands of professionals who are well-trained, experienced, and empathetic too.

Personalized Home Health Care

As a home health care provider, we do everything in our capacity to speed up our client’s recovery. We work with the physician or primary healthcare provider to design a home-based nursing or therapy plan that is attuned to the patient’s unique needs.

We begin with a thorough evaluation of the patient’s health, followed by consultations with the patient, the family, and the physician. These all lead to the most appropriate approach to health care in a residential setting. The goal, most of all, is to give the patient the option of recovery in their homes where they can be close to loved ones, eat from their own dining table and fall asleep in their own beds. There is no greater comfort than being at home.

All our services at TLC Home Healthcare, Inc. are available to every client/patient without discrimination

TLC Home Healthcare, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities and client services. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, we do not discriminate nor shall we deny services from any individual employee or client on the grounds of religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, color, race, age, ethnic background, citizenship or ancestry.

why choose us?

As a home health care provider, we do everything in our capacity to speed up our client’s recovery. We work with the physician or primary healthcare provider to design a home-based nursing or therapy plan that is attuned to the patient’s unique needs.

We begin with a thorough evaluation of the patient’s health, followed by consultations with the patient, the family, and the physician. These all lead to the most appropriate approach to health care in a residential setting. The goal, most of all, is to give the patient the option of recovery in their homes where they can be close to loved ones, eat from their own dining table and fall asleep in their own beds. There is no greater comfort than being at home.

At TLC Home Health Care

We don’t only offer our services, we guarantee them!
Here are our Measures of Excellence in the services we provide

TLC Home Health Care is also delivering the right care through


We understand that emotional, physical, and financial stress is often associated with using home health care. Our clinical professionals, home health aides, and office staff are fully aware that you need your questions answered and your medical needs attended to.

They also know it’s important to do so in a manner that makes you comfortable and helps you or your loved one live the best life possible.

Availability 24/7

  • Whether you have planned in advance for home health care or face a crisis and need an immediate solution, we are available to you when you need us, where you need us.
  • Our staff can be reached all day and night, all week, every day of the year, including holidays. And we have the resources to provide you with care, no matter what. For example, if your nurse is sick, you won’t go without the services you require—we can send in a back-up at a moment’s notice.


  • We understand that you and your loved ones live in the real world, dealing with all of life’s ups and downs.
  • We understand when your parents want to live in their own home but you can’t be with them all the time.
  • We understand when your wife will need help getting around, bathing, and taking care of her wounds after she leaves the hospital.
  • We understand when your father is cranky because he needs to give up his favorite foods, now that he’s been diagnosed with heart failure and diabetes.
  • No matter your situation, we understand how to provide the highest quality home health care when, where and how you need it.

Medical Expertise

  • Providing you or your loved one with the highest quality home health care is not only about having a thoughtful, friendly and caring clinician come into your home.

  • Our staff is all of those things, and more–our clinicians are highly trained medical experts with years of experience and are experts in their specific fields.

  • Our nurses average 13 years of experience, which is more than any other home health care organization in Michigan. We know how to provide the medical care you need.

Multi-cultural Sensitivity

  • Our staff members speak Arabic, Chaldean, Hindi and many more, so we do our best to provide a clinician who speaks your preferred language and understands your religious and cultural traditions.
  • Our ability to communicate with our patients, their doctors, and family members helps everyone involved get the highest quality home health care services.

Doctors and Hospitals Preferred

Our reputation with Michigan’s doctors and hospitals is stellar. Every day, we work with medical professionals to ensure patient’s smooth transition from hospital to home and coordinate Plans of Care. Doctors and hospital personnel know they can count on us to give their patients the highest quality home care possible—they know TLC HHC staff to be reliable, compassionate and knowledgeable.


Our reputation with Michigan’s doctors and hospitals is stellar. Every day, we work with medical professionals to ensure patient’s smooth transition from hospital to home and coordinate Plans of Care. Doctors and hospital personnel know they can count on us to give their patients the highest quality home care possible—they know TLC HHC staff to be reliable, compassionate and knowledgeable.

Patient Satisfaction

Our reputation with Michigan’s doctors and hospitals is stellar. Every day, we work with medical professionals to ensure patient’s smooth transition from hospital to home and coordinate Plans of Care. Doctors and hospital personnel know they can count on us to give their patients the highest quality home care possible—they know TLC HHC staff to be reliable, compassionate and knowledgeable.